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May their Waistcoats always be shiny and eye catching




John Conacher

Max Entwisle


Joseph Tedds

Fraser Rosser-Smyth


Oliver Rhodes

Isaac Marchant

Tom Unwin


Charlie McLean

Richard Sharman

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Joseph Tedds


Many decades ago, legend has it that the voices of The Newfangled Four, Queen, and Lunch Break themselves came together to create a musical prodigy the world had ever seen - but even they were no match for the unstoppable raw musical talent of Joseph Tedds. See him here as he came into this world – wearing a sparkly waistcoat and singing the tag from Go The Distance.  The fastest Pitch Piper in the west, it is rumoured that he is able to source any piece of music you desire and has already sung it in at least 3 different ensembles. Despite cavorting around on stage with the equally attractive CU Show Choir, he finds time to rehearse with us, and for that we are grateful, if mildly in awe.


Fraser Rosser-Smyth


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Oliver Rhodes


Oliver joined the Fitz Barbers in 2022. He just wanted a good bunch of blokes to blast tunes with - but what we got was sloppy sight-reading, dodgy jokes, and numerous complaints about the trek to Fitz. So he fit right in the rest of us! As the sole Scotsman in an otherwise highly gender- and ethnically-diverse ensemble, Oliver is proud to have led the group’s famous rendition of ‘Loch Lomond’; a song about longing and nostalgia firmly in line with Oliver’s general mental outlook.

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Richard Sharman



Charlie Mclean



Fitz choral scholar, University squash player and all round cutie pie! Looks can be deceiving, his bass notes are disgustingly filthy. Get out the Dettol for these bad boys. Together with Jonathan these two make up a bass section that's stronger than Adam's dislike of musical theatre. Charlie has always had a passion and a desire to be a part of the Fitz barbers since hearing "Hello my baby" as an insightful embryo. He bought his first waistcoat and hat at the age of 2, made especially for him by his live in tailor his parents hired to appease this strange but admirable passion. I feel for his future offspring.



Newcomer photos and bios were rudely hindered by the pandemic. However, you'll find the 2020-21 group singing their hearts out in their lockdown video arrangement of Take Me To Church / Creep!



Ash Masing


Joseph Tedds

Fraser Rosser-Smyth


Jake Marshall

Daniel Lim


John Conacher

Richard Sharman




Addison Shore

Alex Burrows


Jake Glidden

Joseph Tedds


Caolán McConnaughie

Jake Marshall


Jonathan Iceton

Charlie McLean

John Conacher

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Jake Glidden

Jake and the Cambridge acapella scene morphed together quite like the British colonising Australia - quite literally a perfect match. He served the Barbershop for 4 years and was a shining light for the newer members (not a reference to his hair I promise). He possesses one of the most enviable voices around that sounds amazing in every genre. Impressively, he read all the music upside down, at least from his Australian perspective.

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Jonathan Iceton

High School Musical and Legally Blonde are just two of the many shows that Jonathan filled his time with outside of the barbershop but we all know his true passion is cheesy chords and boater hats. His facial expression says it all when it comes to his personality! Provided solid bass interludes that made your draw drop with delight. Sorry ladies, he is taken. In the future Jonathan hopes to star as Cosette in the newly revised west end version of "Les Misérables" as well as take his current work in progress "Geordie Shore: The Musical" to the Royal Variety Show.

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Caolán McConnaughie

As a footballer and baritone, Caolan’s ‘tekkers’ and dashing good looks were nearly as sharp as his tuning in rehearsals. All choreography during his presidency can be blamed on his love of musical theatre and his apparent total lack of self-respect. However, his love of acapella and barbershop singing helps him to battle through the stupidly difficult baritone parts and complete chords frowned upon by the rest of the musical community

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Jake Marshall

Despite taking residence beyond the Arctic circle during the holidays, Jake acclimatised to life nearer civilization about as well as he took to singing baritone. Jake’s passions at uni included playing cricket, sporting distasteful Bolton Wanderers tracksuits and of course barbershop singing, even if this meant he had the unfortunate pleasure of spending time with Caolán on a regular basis in rehearsals and training.


Addison Shore

As a bona fide Cambridge grad in the computer industry, Addison is a bit of a mystery. No stranger to Alto lines, Addison chants counter-tenor tunes with an angelic purity perfected through his regular stomping ground, the esteemed Jesus choir. Yet to find or program a decent macarena tutorial, Addison has been tortured by the choreo of the barbershop week after week, but despite this his future with the barbershop remains even brighter than his taste in luminous bike jackets.


Alex Burrows

When Greta began campaigning to save species from climate change, she must have overlooked the adaptive capabilities of Alex Burrows. Migrating from the Loch lowlands of singing bass to the heights of counter tenor, Alex has fully fulfilled his destiny. Despite undergoing a degree in medicine, he still believes gin and tonic is an antidote for a bad throat so I would not recommend accepting a prescription from this GP. As a devoted member of the chapel choir we are very glad that Cat Groom has accepted a loan offer for this man although the hefty signing-on-fee will be the main recipient of the barbershop funds this year.


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Adam Fyfe

The Right Honourable Lord Reverend Dr Sir Adam Fyfe (MBE, OBE, BNOC). This is Adam Fyfe. Yes, the Adam Fyfe. Sure, he’s willing to pose for the paparazzi every now and again, but don’t cross him. I’ve heard his improvised solos are actually lethal… In his spare time, you can catch him knitting jumpers for his adoring fans and writing psalms inspired by the James Bond theme. He isn’t on the Fitz piano key list (sad reacts only). Adam studied classics at Fitzwilliam college and we wish him all the best as he joins the choir of Wells Cathedral

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Craig Wallace

Tennessee sent us the most beautiful gift when they sent over Craig on a free transfer. Despite a hefty signing-on-fee Craig proved his worth doubling as both an excellent lead and makeshift Bass when called upon. Despite disagreement over the correct vowel sounds and the spelling of certain words, the music managed to overcome this language barrier. Craig studied Music at Fitzwilliam college as well as singing with the Corpus Christi choir. He is jetting back over the Atlantic and we wish him all the best for the future

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Ben Peart

This Trinity Hall singing tenor, or "Mr steal your girl" as he is often known, had a reputation around the Cambridge May ball scene of serenading pretty much anything that moved. Legend has it that his smile distracted the captain of the Titanic on that dreadful night in 1912, and that he feels the never-ending need to fill every silence with "My Evaline". Ben studied Geography at Trinity Hall and his enthusiasm and endless charm will be extremely missed by the group and ball guests alike.

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Theo Normanton

Hailing from the hitherto uncharted territory known as "Girton College", Theo made the epic journey to Fitz to sing Tenor for the Barbers. Theo sang with the group for 2 years and produced notes so beautiful that he was always a favourite with the ladies. As a Russian student, some of his inspirations include Kim Philby (Trinity, 1930-1933), Black Bears, and the finest Siberian Vodka. Theo leaves the group to spend a year in Russia on what he says is an educational trip, however we suspect it may have something to do with his regular meetings at MI6



Theo Normanton

Adam Fyfe


Jake Glidden

Ben Peart

Craig Wallace


Caolán McConnaughie

Jake Marshall


Jonathan Iceton

Charlie McLean

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Theo Normanton

Isaac Jarratt-Barnham


Jake Glidden

Ben Peart


Caolán McConnaughie

Jonathan Iceton


Richard Clarke

Nick Wong

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Issac Jarratt-Barnham


Isaac was 11 when he realised that he could sing like a little girl, and his commitment to this horrifying ability continued even after his voice broke, leading him to sing countertenor as a Choral Scholar at King’s College. However, his real passion is for barbershop, and Isaac’s ability to sing disgustingly high for a man made him a shoe in for Tenor. He enjoys dancing badly, waistcoats, singing lower than Nick and eating humous.

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Nick Wong


Nick has been putting the ‘Nick’ into the ‘ethnic diversity’ of a capella groups for an underwhelming three years, and despite his attempted coup of Bowen’s ‘Resident Groovy Asian’ position failing, the Barbers decided to take him in anyway.  He consoles himself with particularly resonant ‘dms’, bad jokes, his disgustingly nautical waistcoat, and his dangerously intense love for romantic comedies.

Richard Clarke


Despite only singing with the group for one year, Richard was a valuable member of the squad, providing many a low note when called upon. Following on the Clarke name within the barbers was never going to be an easy task but Richard managed to do the family reputation justice in his short spell and his waistcoat, which is rumoured to hypnotise anyone who gazes upon it, will live long in the memories and the archives of the Fitz Barbershop.



James Veale

Isaac Jarratt-Barnham


Jake Glidden

Jonno Goldstone


Bowen Wang

Neil Grant


Jonas Rasmussen

Nick Wong



James Veale


In denial on the whole 'countertenor' thing, legend has it he sang bass until his voice broke and ever since his pitch has been rising to girlish heights. James may well hold the honour of being the first member of Fitz Barbershop to have his waistcoat vetoed for being 'too disgusting even for barbershop', thus seeking comfort in the safety of red stripes. His hobbies include squash, the Springboks, keeping Isaac soberish, and explaining to people why he's white.

Jonno Goldstone


With years of barbershop experience, Jonno is probably a bit too keen. Really, it's a matter of concern. Rumour has it that he thinks exclusively in four-part harmony, a rumour it is rumoured was started by himself. When not barbershopping, he can be found vacantly staring into history books or impersonating a choral scholar, each to varying degrees of success.

Neil Grant


Neil loves everything about Fitz Barbershop. Even the waistcoats. Having never sung barbershop before, it took him a while to accept that the tenors can sing that high without the need of significant surgery. Outside of barbershop, Neil enjoys playing various musical instruments poorly, running, and generally being overly enthusiastic about most things!!!

Bowen Wang


Known for his hypnotic dance moves and peculiar way of saying "noodles", Bowen enjoys being the group's resident groovy Asian. Often being asked to perform particular dance moves and to say particular Eastern words, only recently has he realised that "groovy Asian" and "dancing monkey" are synonyms.

Jonas Rasmussen

Super tall Bass

Jonas is known to be the inappropriately tall Dane of the group. Even though he has already spent a significant amount of time to convince the other members that Fitz should do a version of 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarves', he has not yet given up on the idea. Being overly excited about 'tags' (a.k.a. the ending of songs), he introduced T.O.T.W (Tag of the Week) which most of the time only results in Isaac rolling his eyes.



James Veale

Isaac Jarratt-Barnham


Colm Talbot

Jonno Goldstone


Bowen Wang

Neil Grant


Joel Nulsen

Nick Wong



Colm Talbot


After many of years of effort Colm finally figured out how not to sing like a little girl. Upon this fascinating discovery he set out to sate his desire to sing tunes and long notes and stumbled into the warm embrace of barbershop. When not singing Colm can be found sleeping.

Joel Nulsen

Super Bass

Coming from a traditionally insulated choirboy background, Joel is relatively new to the world of ‘popular’ music. Until recently he believed that Taylor Swifts were in fact a species of migratory birds akin to the unladen European swallow. However, upon hearing of a genre, nay class of genres, which was, in the immortal words of Meghan Trainor, All About That Bass, he decided to give it a go.



James Veale

Isaac Jarratt-Barnham


Tim Hubner

Jonno Goldstone


Bowen Wang

Chris Greenwood


Matthew Clarke

Nick Wong



Tim HUBner


Germans are not famous for being funny. Being German, Tim knows this. But what Tim does have is a very particular set of preferences for funny hats and waistcoats. Preferences he has acquired over many years ofbeing him. Preferences that make him a nightmare for normal people like you.

Chris Greenwood


Chris never submitted a biography because he was too busy doing law stuff. So Nick decided to make one up for him. From a young age Chris had an overwhelming (and quite frankly, disturbing) love for hats, and the moment he saw the legendary Fitz Barbershop Boater on the internet, he knew that he needed to feel its presence on his head, and he would stop at nothing to ensure this. Entering Cambridge under the pretence of studying ‘Law’, it took him two years to work up the courage to steal a hat and feel its weight on his head. Unfortunately he was caught and sentenced to 7 years of singing Baritone with Fitz Barbershop, later reduced to 1 year on the condition of him pretending to be Irish for the rest of his time in the group.

Matthew Clarke


Matthew took well to holding the pitch pipe and telling people what to do in an attempt to convince the tenors that he had more to do than sing fifths. When not singing at Fitz, he enjoyed breaking things with varying levels of intention in the Engineering Department and cycling too fast between the two.



James Lanaghan

James McAulay


Tim Hubner

Josh Wooderson


Bowen Wang

Tom Gough


Matthew Clarke

Robert Matthias



James Lanaghan


James joined barbershop in his third year and, despite his poor punctuality, has really enjoyed the experience of singing in a close harmony a cappella group.  He is an avid musical theatre fan, hoping to hit the West End one day, and enjoys a classic power ballad.  RIP Whitney.

James McAulay


Legend has it, this Scottish barber was serenading doctors with "Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star" by the age of two, and his passion for vocal banter has only increased since then. Fears include: anything higher than a G#, the cello line in Pachelbel's Canon, and the character limit on this biogra

Josh Wooderson


Josh is a third year philosopher and soon-to-be alcoholic vagrant.  In pursuit of street cred and a rock star lifestyle, he decided to audition for a group that would require dressing up like Elton John's colour-blind twin and singing about the size of his genitals in a high voice.

Tom Gough


Joining the squad for the 2013/14 season, Tom is a strong team player. Though extremely vocal, he remains always in the background creating the sweet harmonies vital in this very gentlemanly pursuit. As if all of this wasn't enough, he also has a damn fine waistcoat.

Robert Mathias


Robert joined Barbershop as soon as he could after being enthralled and amazed by their singing at matriculation dinner.  Since then he has continued to promulgate and enjoy the phenomenal romp yielded by the multi-sensual, entertaining Barber-spirit, especially when paired with their audience.



Alaistair Cannon

James McAulay

Martin Ye


Tim Hubner

Jonathan Cooper

Will O'Reilly


Jonathan Woolger

Robert Matthias


Matthew Clarke

Ian Butler



Alistair Cannon


As the resident barbershop thespian, Alistair is an invaluable member, especially when it comes to performing slick and entertaining shows. However, his busy-ness means that getting him to write his own bio has been harder than even the trickiest choreographed moves...

Martin Ye


Martin has headlined at many showerheads around the world. He is extremely excited to perform with actual people for actual people. An affable Oklahoman, Martin hopes his American charm will make your pants drop.

Jonathan Cooper


Jon enjoys singing lead (he gets all the best tunes), large boaters (the hat that is) and floral waistcoats. He is always ready to try new, potentially dangerous and certainly inappropriate choreography but dislikes singing risque lyrics in public - which is unfortunate to say the least!

Will O'Reilly


Determined to spend as much time on the social-media/techy side of the Barbershop as on his degree, "Showbiz" truly earned his nickname. No longer tweaking the website, Will has gone on to clinical school, taking with him his signature Dragonfly waistcoat, in hopes of wow-ing the crowds in London.

Jonathan Woolger


Jonathan is a music student at Fitz. His interests include Wagner, board games and looking wistfully into cameras. He has arranged "Total Eclipse of the Heart" for the group, a performance of which one observer called "the great event of human history".

Iain Butler


Iain accidentally staggered into a barbershop audition back in Michaelmas 2010 while searching for a fresher's week hangover cure. The resulting low C won him a spot in the lowest voice part, an appointment which necessitates him pulling a very silly face in every action shot of the group - belying his status as a fully-accredited member of the Society of Dashing Cantabrigians.



Alaistair Cannon

Mike Kenning

James Fracknell


Jonathan Cooper

Will O'Reilly


Jonathan Woolger

Robert Matthias


Oli White

Ian Butler

James Richardson



Mike Kenning


Mike Kenning finally got around to leaving in mid 2012.  He left the barbershop with some great memories, and just over 60% of his hair. Now he's gone to carry on saving lives, not by singing, but by doing some medicine on them.  Time will tell which was the more effective technique.

James Frecknall


The original owner of the famous "ronf" waistcoat, James was often characterised by getting lost on the way to venues (much like the "Where's Wally" style of his waistcoat), but always adding something truly special to performances once mutterings of "Er, where's Frecknall?" had died down.

James Richardson


An ex-bass of the deepest degree and former Barbershop Rex, James spent four years doing too much singing and not enough engineering. It all got a bit too much for him in the end, and now he designs F1 cars for a living.

Oli White


Oli likes singing bass and writing about himself in the third person. In his spare time he puns frequently and noisomely in confined spaces then blames the tenors. He has been known to speak in tongues but doesn't know what constitutes a 40-word limit so is going to stop here just in case.

And Too many more to count...

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